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February 15, 2011
This document outlines the organisational structure of Haringey Solidarity Group, and how to contact us about a particular area. Membership and joining HSG HSG does not have a formal membership. Anyone who lives or works in the borough, and who broadly supports our aims (see below) can come to meetings and go on the HSG […]
Category: about us
February 4, 2011
A comrade from the Kurdish Anarchist Forum in Germany managed to contact a comrade from an anarchist group, Black Flag, in Egypt. Below is an interview with him, following the resumption of email contact with Egypt on Wednesday 2 February.
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: misc reports
February 1, 2011
Late Saturday morning on 18th December 2010, four people from HSG leafleted outside the UCKG Wood Green venue on the High Road. After we had been leafleting several minutes a person started taking pictures of us with his mobile phone – many pictures – probably trying to intimidate us, as he kept coming up close […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: religion
January 19, 2011
On Monday 24 January at 11.30am, Islington Poverty Action Group and Haringey Claimants Action Group will be protesting outside Atos Healthcare at 1a Elthorne Road, just off Holloway Road, 2 minutes walk south from Archway tube. This local action is part of a national day of action against welfare benefits cuts, focusing on Atos, a […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: debt / welfare benefits
January 18, 2011
Haringey residents and members of Haringey Housing Action Group joined together to take action to oppose changes to housing benefit as part of the National Protest Against Cuts to Housing & Welfare Benefits. The group leafleted and talked to residents visiting Apex House in Tottenham, as well as council staff and passersby to raise awareness […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: housing
January 15, 2011
Join the Protest March and the Rally at the Civic Centre – Monday 17th January 5.30pm – March from Ducketts Common, Turnpike Lane tube. Called by Haringey Council Trades Unions. All welcome. Please bring banners! 6.30pm – General Rally outside the full Council meeting, Civic Centre, N22Bring friends, workmates and neighbours – and your own […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: local services
December 4, 2010
An angry crowd of Haringey residents marched on Wood Green Topman and Boots shops this morning (Sat 4th Dec) in protest against the corporations’ tax-dodging activities and against the government’s cuts. Protesters gathered outside Boots with placards, leaflets and a banner reading “Make corporations not people pay”.
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: local services
November 2, 2010
Unite members across seven Coca-Cola Enterprise (CCE) sites – including the Edmonton one – joined last week (Wed 27 October) their fellow trade union members across Europe in staging a series of nationwide demonstrations against the company’s European-wide restructuring, which they believe is being pushed through without proper consultation with the workforce.
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: workplace organising
October 27, 2010
Vodafone’s flagship store on Oxford Street has this morning (27 Oct) been occupied by people protesting at its avoidance of a £6bn tax bill having routed money through a Luxemburg subsidiary. At a time when the country is facing savage cuts it’s clear there’s one law for the rich and corporate and another for the […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: local services
October 19, 2010
Local residents and workers responded to a call by Haringey Alliance for Public Services, and marched to a rally at the Civic Centre in Wood Green. At the rally, on Monday 18th October, protestors called on Haringey councillors to demand adequate government funding, reject privatisation, and oppose and refuse to implement cuts – or resign.
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: local services