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HSG at the Anarchist Bookfair

October 20, 2008

Well, the 2008 Anarchist Bookfair felt like a great success as far as Haringey Solidarity Group are concerned.  Our aim at this national event has been to promote more than just HSG, and to actively push the idea of getting organised locally in our communities and workplaces.

Category: Uncategorised

Haringey Anti-Fascist Coalition oppose BNP in local by-election

September 19, 2008

The fascist BNP are standing in a Haringey Council By-Election on October 9th. The ward in question is Alexandra Ward and the BNP candidate is Frederick Halsey. This is the first time they have stood in the borough. The Haringey Trades Council meeting on 18th September agreed that it was important that visible opposition is […]

Category: Uncategorised

First Capital bus drivers strike

September 10, 2008

The picket on 29 August 2008 of the bus depot on Marsh Lane, N17, by Northumberland Park station, was pretty solid for the first strike of bus drivers for many years. On approach, you could see the whole junction packed out with the yellow high visibility coats of the drivers and other workers – about […]

Category: Uncategorised

Save Bull Lane Playing Fields!

August 21, 2008

The Weir Hall Action Group is stepping up its 20-year long campaign to save the Bull Lane Playing Fields on the Haringey/Enfield border near the new Sixth Form Centre in North Tottenham. They are supported by the Haringey Friends of Parks Forum and the Haringey Federation of Residents’ Associations. They are opposing Council plans to […]

Category: Uncategorised

Haringey benefits staff walkout

August 17, 2008

On Tuesday 12th August, there was a walkout of Benefits and Local Taxation staff after two union reps were suspended and the branch secretary put under investigation for allegedly calling people scabs when they crossed picket lines during the recent local government workers’ strike in July. The UNISON branch meeting the following day unanimously passed […]

Category: Uncategorised

Council tenants charges hike row

August 14, 2008

  Haringey tenants oppose 7 new weekly service charges. A statement from Haringey Defend Council Housing campaign, June 2008: Homes for Haringey are consulting us on SEVEN new weekly service charges for the 16,700 council tenants and the 4,000 leaseholders. Only ten weeks ago we had rent and service charge increases that averaged 9.1%, and […]

Category: Uncategorised

Arnaouti Bakery workers’ strike (1997)

August 1, 2008

The five-week strike at the Arnaouti pitta bakery in Tottenham, north London in April/May 1997 had to be seen in the context of other disputes in this area, including JJ Fast Foods dispute in 1995/6. These disputes, several short-lived walk-outs and a factory occupation (Tudor Gold) have taken place amongst low-paid immigrant and refugee workers. […]

Category: Uncategorised

The JJ Fast Food workers’ strike (1995/96)

JJ fast food van

August 1, 2008

Workers at J.J. Fast Foods, a distribution company in Tottenham, North London, worked 60-70 hour weeks for a pittance. Six years before the strike, newly employed workers were paid £180. By the time of the dispute they were being paid £130. There was no overtime pay, no holiday pay, no sick pay. Wages had been […]

Category: Uncategorised

HSG and workplace disputes gone by

August 1, 2008

Over the years Haringey Solidarity Group (HSG) has supported a number of workers who have been in dispute, in one way or another, with their bosses. Apart from the rare exception, most of these disputes have ended with the workers generally not getting what they demanded. In most cases, even though the final outcome may […]

Category: Uncategorised

HSG monthly meeting (Tues 2 Dec, 7.30pm)

July 30, 2008

Haringey Solidarity Group meets regularly on the first Tuesday of the month. If you would like to find out more about the group and to get involved, our next meeting is on Tuesday 2nd December, 7.30pm upstairs at the Phoenix Millennium Centre, West Green Road, N15. Entrance on Vincent Road. All Welcome.

Category: future events

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