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February 28, 2010
The threat to the Whittington A&E and five other hospitals in north London has outraged tens of thousands of people in all the boroughs affected. It is part of a bigger government plan to enforce cuts in all public services. Across the country, people are taking up the fight, resistance is growing against closures, privatisations […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: local services
February 19, 2010
93 ARRESTED, 72 CHARGED, 10 JAILED SO FAR The Israeli bombardment of Gaza of 27th December to 18th January, provoked passionate protests across the UK, including central London protests which were attended by many outraged Haringey residents. The familiar mass demos of the anti-war movement were supplemented by large spontaneous break-away demos and a wave […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: race and immigration
January 24, 2010
Last week, Haringey Solidarity Group took action with M, a Haringey mother, facing eviction from a private tenancy. The council had finally agreed to house her, but would not do so until she had been physically evicted. M just wanted a few days’ notice to make arrangements, and to put her mind at rest.
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: housing
November 27, 2009
Residents call for effective global action at the coming Copenhagen summit in response to the threat of climate change Campaigners in North London are mobilising for the national demonstration on December 5th, followed by a Low Carbon/Sustainability Fortnight of local events here during the summit Public meeting calls for a transition to a fair and sustainable […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: environment
November 17, 2009
Ford Visteon Workers occupation and picket April/May 2009 – the role and activities of the Enfield Support Group The Ford Visteon Workers (Enfield) Support Group (SG) was formed to give solidarity and support to the Enfield Ford Visteon workers who first occupied, then picketed their factory for six weeks in April/May 2009. A few members of […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: workplace organising
October 20, 2009
A claimants’ support group was set up in Haringey in October 2009. Anyone who is claiming benefits (not just the unemployed) is welcome to join us. We can be contacted at Benefits are a right – not a privilege!
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: debt / welfare benefits
October 20, 2009
Postal workers, including all those in Haringey, are defending their wages and conditions, defending the Post Office as a public service against privatisation, and defending the right of workers to organise in the face of management bullying and efforts to break the Union. Royal Mail, the Government and most of the media were on the […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: workplace organising
September 29, 2009
“We don’t want to move!”, say sheltered housing tenants Elderly tenants met in Tottenham on Wednesday, 26th August, to launch a campaign to save their homes at four sheltered housing schemes: Campbell Court, N17 – 49 flatsLarkspur Close, N17 – 36 flatsProtheroe House, N17 – 47 flatsStokley Court, Hornsey – 47 flats The four schemes […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: housing
September 17, 2009
At a well-attended borough-wide meeting of health activists in early September, it was agreed by unanimous vote that the two previous health cuts campaigns – Better Local Healthcare and Stop Haringey Health Cuts Coalition – would work together as a coalition under the name ‘Defend Haringey’s Health Services’. Effectively this means that the Stop Haringey […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: local services
August 26, 2009
On Wednesday afternoon over 1,000 people, including a sizeable Haringey contingent, took over common land and set up the London Camp For Climate Action. Thousands more are expected to join in a week of discussions, collective sustainable living, fun for all ages, protests and direct action for a sustainable society. If you are coming from […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: environment