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No to workfare at Homebase – Harringay and Willesden joint protests, Sun 22 Sep, 1pm

Workfare is an attack on us all

September 17, 2013

Haringey Solidarity Group are calling for people to join a picket outside the Harringay Homebase following recent confirmation that the Willesden branch of Homebase continue to recruit unpaid workers via their local Job Centre. This is despite earlier statements from Homebase stating that they would only take on people on work experience through local organisations, […]

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Haringey Council: ensuring “business-led” development in Tottenham

August 21, 2013

Haringey Council has recently said that it will listen to the concerns of local traders over the ongoing ‘regeneration’ of Tottenham High Road, which many fear is little more gentrification. Many traders have been recently speaking out against proposed demolitions and the threat of higher rents which could close many local family businesses. But despite […]

Category: Uncategorized

Justice delayed is justice denied

August 7, 2013

Saturday 3rd August marked the second anniversary of the death of Mark Duggan at the hands of armed police, and the twentieth anniversary of the death of Joy Gardner at the hands of immigration officers. At a packed public meeting at North London Community House, members of their families and others shared their stories and […]

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Support civil disobedience against austerity! Solidarity protest, Friday 2 August

July 29, 2013

Haringey resident Reverend Paul Nicolson is refusing to pay his council tax in protest at the cuts to council tax benefit and other government welfare ‘reforms’ that are making many people poorer and pushing them further into debt and poverty. He has said that “civil disobedience is morally defensible if it highlights laws which are […]

Category: Uncategorised

Haringey residents campaigns call for the policies and resources our communities need

July 16, 2013

On Monday 15th July three residents’ deputations (Haringey Alliance for Benefit Justice, Haringey Defend Council Housing campaign and the Our Tottenham network) made reprentations to a full meeting of Haringey Council to tell Councillors about the sufferings of tens of thousands of their constituents from caps, cuts, council tax, landlords in a chaotic London housing […]

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Local residents organise to create “community pub”

July 16, 2013

Local residents in Tottenham are organising to try and prevent the Antwerp Arms from being shut down, and to turn it into a community pub. They are holding a public meeting on Monday 22 July at the Lancasterian School, N17, from 18:00 to 19:00 so that people can find out more.

Category: Uncategorised

Anti-workfare protest at Homebase Harringay – Sun 14 July, 1pm

July 13, 2013

As part of Boycott Workfare’s week of action, Haringey Solidarity Group will be picketing outside Harringay Homebase tomorrow, Sunday from 1pm-2pm in protest at use of unpaid workers at their Willesden store.Join us on Sunday 14 July, 1pm at Homebase Harringay, 430 Green Lanes, N4 1DT.  by Harringay Green Lanes rail station. Earlier this year, […]

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