Welfare Action Gathering – Sat 30 May

Posted: May 19, 2015
Saturday 30th May, 10.30am-5.30pm (arrive from 10.15am for a cup of tea), London Welsh Centre (10 minutes’ walk from King’s Cross station)
Details of all the workshops we’ll be hosting on the day are now on the Boycott Workfare website. If you’ve got any suggestions or would like to be involved in one, please get in touch with Boycott Workfare.
Faced with policies that are pushing ever more people into precarity and poverty, thousands of us have been coming together to support each other. We are pushing back workfare, standing up to sanctions, challenging the work capability assessment and fighting insecure, unaffordable housing.
If you are concerned about:
- Job centres being places of intimidation and sanctions,
- Private providers bullying claimants on ‘welfare-to-work’ schemes,
- 35 hour jobsearch under Universal Credit,
- ESA assessments putting sick and disabled people in fear of destitution,
- Welfare rights for young people being abolished and replaced with unpaid work,
- Workfare being required to be eligible for social housing,
- Housing benefit being part of sanctions under Universal Credit,
- Claimants in work being sanctioned under Universal Credit too…
…then do something about it and come to the Welfare Action Gathering to hear from other people organising across the UK! Learn about our rights and share ideas and tactics!
Join the Facebook event and invite others to come too!
This isn’t a day for speakers from the front. Party political representatives aren’t invited. It’s a day for people at the grassroots to get together and work out how we can support each other, defend our rights and continue successfully to campaign against workfare and sanctions.
Organised by Boycott Workfare with Haringey Solidarity Group. Workshops and contributions from other groups are very welcome!
If you’d like to come please register your interest now: info@nullboycottworkfare.org
We can help with travel costs. If you are in a local group where people support each other and take action on welfare or housing (or plan to start one), we should be able to help with your travel costs. Please help by booking travel early and accessing other sources of funding if you can. Get in touch as soon as you can to sort travel costs out.
If you’d like access info please get in touch and let us know if there are ways we can help make the event accessible. We’ll make sure the venue is wheelchair accessible on the day, but unfortunately one workshop room is not. If you’re a wheelchair user and would like to contact us in advance to let us know what workshops you’d like to attend, we’ll make sure they’re scheduled on the ground floor. But either way, room allocations are flexible and will be decided on the day.
If you want to organise something similar near you we’d love to help if we can. We especially want to support another gathering in the North in Autumn/Winter 2015, but would need a local group to take the lead on organising it. Please get in touch or talk to us about it on the day.
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: debt / welfare benefits