Public Services – the fightback starts here
Posted: July 27, 2010
It’s what’s called a “grower”. The third, and by far the largest, meeting of Haringey Alliance for Public Services saw the alliance move out of first gear, with the tiny Big Green Bookshop in Wood Green playing host to about 30 assorted trade unionists, community activists and concerned local residents.
People swapped stories of cuts to come, cuts disguised and cuts postponed. Everyone seemed determined to oppose cuts to public services, to put forward a vision of an improved public sector and to counter the general hysteria that significant cuts to services were unavoidable and would lead to societal collapse.
A summer of activity is being planned, and every Haringey worker and resident is being urged to get involved. You can keep informed by signing up to the HAPS news elist. Sub-groups to co-ordinate publicity, events, community networking, trade union activity and research have been convened to get things moving, so please get in touch if you would like to join one of them.
Where’s the party?
The revelation of the evening came when a recent council directive was circulated, with precise details of belt-tightening measures to be imposed, as a result of a £10m overspend for the year so far. You can see for yourself what restrictions have been designated in the memo – but surely the most worrying was the balloon embargo, so bad they banned them twice – for promotional or decorative purposes. Let’s hope some crafty admin assistant has managed to siphon a few off for the office party.
Links: Haringey Alliance for Public Services website ¦ HAPS announcements list
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: local services