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May 8, 2023
Haringey Community Action Network (HCAN) is a network of local groups, including trade unions and community groups, united around the aim of promoting closer working between the various groups active in the borough. Groups in the network include Haringey Trade Unions Council (TUC), as well as community groups covering a wide range of areas, including […]
Category: events
April 24, 2023
At the All Good Bookshop, 35 Turnpike Lane N8 0EP Right to Food For All How do we organise and campaign around food poverty, and try to ensure everyone has access to affordable, quality and ethically-produced food supplies? How much food is, and could be, produced in Haringey, and shared? How do groups involved in […]
Category: Uncategorized
April 19, 2023
In attendance Steve Jones (convenor), Anne O’Daly and Michael Calderbank (co moderators), Raj, Alison, Anne, Arif, Dave, Jane, Jon, Katie, Mike, Myria, Paul, Sarah, Zaher, Vivek, Florence The above were representatives from the 16 following groups: Haringey Claimant Justice Campaign, Haringey Trades Union Council, Haringey Over 50s Forum, Haringey Right to Food, Day-Mer / North […]
Category: Uncategorized
April 19, 2023
How do we support everyone’s right to a decent affordable home, local campaigns by tenants and residents, and group like Haringey Defend Council Housing, Haringey Housing Action and Haringey Renters Union? This is a report of a meeting held by Haringey Solidarity Group on 7th March in the All Good Bookshop, Turnpike Lane. Around a […]
Category: Uncategorized
April 19, 2023
Sunday March 26th 2023 This meeting in a church hall in Hornsey was organised by XR Haringey to make contact with local Community Action Groups concerned/engaged/connected with issues of sustainability, social justice and climate and ecological justice, and to establish long term connections. In the process we were helped and made aware of existing groups […]
Category: Uncategorized
February 27, 2023
Tuesday 7th March, 7.30pm All Good Bookshop, 35 Turnpike Lane, N8 0EP How do we support everyone’s right to a decent affordable home, local campaigns by tenants and residents, and groups like Haringey Defend Council Housing, Haringey Housing Action Group, and Haringey Renters Union? OUR WORKPLACES – OUR NEIGHBOURHOODS – OUR LIVES Let’s support each […]
Category: events
February 11, 2023
Fundraiser + film + discussion + social Seven months before Ukraine’s mass exodus to the EU, a different humanitarian crisis was taking place at the edge of Fortress Europe. On one side refugees are met with generosity and 100 km further north, Poland is constructing a border wall through Europe’s oldest natural forest to prevent […]
Category: Uncategorized
February 3, 2023
Tuesday February 7th, 7.30pm @ All Good Bookshop, 35 Turnpike Lane, N8 0EP Many have noted the downsides of social media, including the negative impact on people’s mental health, its contribution to the breakdown of social ties, and its tendency to promote controversy and outrage. However, social media also represents an opportunity for progressive groups […]
Category: events
January 11, 2023
Your community needs you! Join us at Living Under One Sun on Saturday 21st at 1:00pm – 3:00pm. As part of the redevelopment of Down Lane park Haringey council has committed to building a new permanent community hub. The hub will have an enclosed community garden & cafe. There has been several proposals for its […]
Category: Benefits, events
December 30, 2022
Still controversial and inspiring after all these years! By Dave Morris, one of the McLibel 2 The McLibel case, brought by the McDonald’s Corporation against London Greenpeace activists Helen Steel and Dave Morris (the ‘McLibel 2′), was the longest and one of the most controversial trials in English history. London Greenpeace had been criticising McDonald’s […]
Category: Uncategorized