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Tottenham Food Co-op launched

December 8, 2008

At the Lordship Rec Festival in September was the recently formed Tottenham Food Co-op, which is organized and run by members of the Sustainable Haringey food group and the Back To Earth charity, with support from Broadwater Farm Community Centre. This not-for-profit food market aims not only to provide fresh locally grown organic produce, fair […]

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Public Services not Banking Bailouts!

December 8, 2008

Everyone is entitled to comprehensive and decent public services of all kinds. But public services are in a constant financial crisis. Told to make ‘efficiency savings’, the result is cuts and closures, land sell offs, attacks on staffing levels, wages and conditions, and moves towards privatisation and ‘contracting out’. Private companies and property speculators circle […]

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Underground Cleaners Rise Up

December 8, 2008

In June and July this year over 700 cleaners on London Underground organised by the RMT union went on strike for a living wage and other demands, in one of the first actions by mainly illegal migrant workers that this country has ever seen. Previously kept in silence and poverty pay by brutal employers, ISS, […]

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Haringey patients storm PCT meeting over Laurels privatisation

Laurels protest at PCT

November 26, 2008

The campaign to stop privatisation at the Laurels health centre stepped up a gear today (Wed 26 Nov).  At the board meeting of Haringey’s Teaching and Primary Care Trust, local residents demanded that they reverse the decision to privatise one of the GP practices at the Laurels. About 20 campaigners gathered inside the grounds of […]

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Whose Financial Crisis?

November 18, 2008

Before looking at why there’s a financial crisis in most of the industrialised world, let’s get one thing straight – the rich are not in any financial crisis. Ok, a billionaire may lose the odd house or two, or some millionaire may top themselves, but they will always have more money that we will ever […]

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They Shall Not Pass

November 18, 2008

For the first time in Haringey’s history, the British National Party (BNP) stood a candidate in a by-election (see related article). Gaining confidence from the seat won earlier this year on the Greater London Assembly, and aided by the increasing inability of traditional parties to tackle social issues locally, the BNP are now trying to […]

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Stop and Search: Know Your Rights

November 18, 2008

Being stopped by the police can be pretty intimidating, so to counter that we’ve compiled this brief guide to your rights.   Before you are searched, the police must inform you of the following: a) their name and the police station they work at b) the purpose of the proposed search c) the grounds for […]

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Repression and Surveillance: The State v the People

November 18, 2008

As most may have noticed, there has been a recent increase in the number of police stop and search operations outside tube stations and in the streets. Under the protection of section 60AA of the Criminal Justice & Public Order Act or section 44 of the Terrorism Act, police carry out what are clear abuses […]

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Wood Green Car Free Day

November 18, 2008

Cars pour down our roads in noisy smelly rushing rivers, and we have all seen flowers left in memory of children violently taken while trying to hop from one island of safety to another. But for one brief Sunday in September a stretch of Wood Green High Road was closed to traffic. Stalls were set […]

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Laurels Health Centre ear-marked for privatisation

October 22, 2008

The management of the GP surgery at the Laurels Health Centre, St Ann’s Road is under threat of privatisation. Haringey PCT has already advertised for private companies to take over the ‘PMS’ practice at the Laurels, which could lead to multinational health companies, whose main aim is to maximise their profits, taking over the surgery […]

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