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October 5, 2010
Workers at the Coca-Cola manufacturing and bottling plant in Edmonton, London, have been on strike for three weeks. They have been offered a below inflation 2 per cent pay rise while conditions have worsened in the factory. The pension scheme is now crap and there are redundancies going on, including 19 here at Nobel Road. […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: workplace organising
October 5, 2010
Haringey Alliance For Public Services Rally held outside the Civic Centre in Wood Green on 14th September 2010 with over 120 participants. The Haringey Alliance for Public Services (HAPS) was set up in June 2010 by a wide range of borough-wide organisations and individuals — including residents and community networks, trade unions and political groups.
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: community
September 26, 2010
Workers at the Coca-Cola manufacturing and bottling plant in Edmonton have been on strike for two weeks. They have been offered a below inflation 2 per cent pay rise, while conditions have worsened in the factory. The pension scheme is now crap and there are redundancies going on, including 19 here at Nobel Road. This […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: workplace organising
September 15, 2010
The workers at Coca-Cola Enterprises Edmonton bottling plant came out on strike today (Wed 15 Sep), after a one-week delay for a fruitless visit to the ACAS government department. It was a noisy picket with around 35 workers present, one half outside the factory the other under the flyover opposite. There were flags aplenty and […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: workplace organising
September 15, 2010
Four million fewer bottles of Coca Cola could be produced this month as a series of stoppages lasting to the end of September begins today (15 September 2010) in a dispute over pay. The workers at Coca-Cola Enterprises’ Edmonton bottling plant warn that the dispute could escalate unless the company gets real. The workers are […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: workplace organising
September 14, 2010
Over 120 people braved the miserable September rain to show their opposition to proposed public sector cuts. The lively rally at Wood Green Civic Centre was called by Haringey Alliance for Public Services to coincide with the first cabinet meeting of the council after the summer break. The precise nature of the government public sector […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: local services
September 10, 2010
Talks between Unite and Coca-Cola at Acas to resolve a pay dispute at the company’s north London Edmonton plant broke down without resolution last night (Thursday). Wayne King, Unite regional officer, said: “Coca-Cola has unfortunately failed to come to these talks in good faith. Despite the opportunity for progress presented by the Acas talks, Coca-Cola […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: workplace organising
September 5, 2010
Workers at Coca Cola’s Edmonton factory have announced two six hour strikes, shutting down production at the plant. The move comes as the 110-strong workforce steps up its fight for an improved pay offer.
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: workplace organising
August 23, 2010
Incorporating the ‘Make A Change’ sports extravaganza and the ‘Tottenham Green Fair’ Lordship Rec, Lordship Lane, Tottenham N17 Saturday Sept 11th 1pm-5pm (sports from 12noon) Activities include: Tottenham Flower & Produce Show, Dog Agility Show, Cycling Activities & Dr Bike, Fun Run, Performances & DJ, Community Cafe, Skateboarding/BMXing, Football Tournament, Netball, Tennis, Aerobics, Martial […]
Category: future events
August 21, 2010
Michael Moore’s insight into what the lovers of dirty capitalism really think and want. Date Thursday 9th September 2010 7:30 pm Location West Green Learning Centre, West Green Road, N15. Entry £3/£2 concs. (And come to KK McCool’s pub afterwards to talk about the film.)
Category: future events