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Affordable Housing for All – public meeting Sat 26 May

May 20, 2012

In opposition to Government cuts to housing benefits, we demand…AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR ALL – BRING RENTS DOWN! Calling all private tenants in Haringey: Is your rent too high?    Do you get enough Housing Benefit – has it been cut?    Do you want to see affordable housing for everyone, and rent-reductions (instead of evictions) for those […]

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Landlords told to reduce rents at Haringey forum picket

May 10, 2012

On Wednesday 9th May, HSG activists were outside the Civic Centre in Wood Green where the Landlords Forum was being held, to put pressure on landlords not to increase their rents above Housing Benefit Local Housing Allowance (LHA) levels. Although small in number, we handed out a considerable number of leaflets to people going into […]

Category: Uncategorised

Wards Corner – deadline approaches to reject Grainger Appeal

April 7, 2012

DEADLINE TO COMMENT: Wed 11 April 2012 This is your opportunity to support the Council’s decision to reject Grainger’s plan to demolish Wards Corner. It is important that the inspectorate is aware of the public opposition to Grainger’s plans and we need to ensure Grainger’s proposal remains defeated and that the regeneration at Wards Corner […]

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IDS challenged at workfare protest in Tottenham

March 5, 2012

Hearing that Iain Duncan-Smith (the secretary of state for work and pensions) was due to address a conference in tottenham this morning, ‘boycott workfare’ and ‘youthfightforjobs’ organised a protest outside the venue. he arrived late, and walked up to the door shouting that “workfare is a brilliant scheme”. when challenged over public statements, he refused […]

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Haringey Fuel Poverty Warm-up Action (Sun 29 Jan)

Fuel Poverty Action

January 25, 2012

Meet at 12 noon outside Boots, Wood Green High Road (next to Shopping City), N22 Come and join us – don’t sit in the cold alone! We will be calling on all shops, pubs and public buildings to welcome those who wish to get warm. Please bring flasks of tea, nibbles, folding chairs, board games, […]

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Shut Guantanamo – 10 Years of Shame

Guantanamo 10 years

January 11, 2012

As friends gather in Washington D.C. to demand the closure of Guantanamo, we take to the streets in Haringey This morning, 11 January, on the 10th anniversary of the opening of Guantanamo, folks from Veterans for Peace, No Borders, Haringey Solidarity Group and Giuseppe Conlon Catholic Worker House gathered in Turnpike Lane, Haringey to demand […]

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Standing room only at anti-academies meeting

January 10, 2012

No one we spoke to could remember a bigger meeting in Haringey. You’d probably have to go back to the ’80s, when hatred of the Iron Lady and her Tory henchmen united huge numbers of people across the borough. But here we were, fresh into 2012, with well over 600 people packing out the hall […]

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Downhills School campaign against forced academy status

December 14, 2011

by Janet Lallysmith, parent Parents, teachers and governors at Downhills Primary School, Tottenham have launched a campaign to prevent the Department for Education (DfE) forcing the school to become a sponsored academy by September 2012. Although no Haringey primary schools were identified in Michael Gove’s original list of 200 ‘underperforming’ schools, this hasn’t stopped the […]

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November 30 – biggest strike day EVER

November 24, 2011

There’s still a week to go, but it’s looking like next Wednesday will see about three million public sector workers walking out on strike, as civil servants join teachers in opposing government cuts to pensions. PCS, UCU, NUT and ATL had all previously balloted for further industrial action, so their members will be out.  But […]

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Occupy Local Communities

November 15, 2011

by Kwadwo Kari-Kari “All day, all week, we sleep on London’s freezing streets.” – Occupy LSX placard Let me start with a confession: I have not spent a single night sleeping at any of the occupations. If that appalls you I can only apologise, but I was one of two protesters that successfully “occupied” Paternoster […]

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