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Grenfell Tower Residents – You Are Not Alone

June 26, 2017

“When society places hundreds of proletarians in such a position that they inevitably meet a too early and an unnatural death, one which is quite as much a death by violence as that by the sword or bullet; its deed is murder just as surely as the deed of the single individual.” “These words were […]

Category: Uncategorised

Another Election – Will Voting Make Things Better

June 5, 2017

Theresa May called an election supposedly so she can deliver us a ‘strong and stable’ future with Brexit. But isn’t the biggest concern for most people just how unstable our lives and communities have become since the Tories introduced austerity in 2010? The Tories brought in austerity supposedly to reduce the country’s deficit, claiming public […]

Category: Features

Rough Sleeping Is Not A Crime

May 1, 2017

Over the last few months, the police and Home Office have been systematically arresting, detaining and deporting European Economic Area (EEA) national rough sleepers.  In May last year, the Government adopted the legally dubious position that rough-sleeping is an “abuse” of EU Citizens’ right to freedom of movement”.  The “abuse of right” law is intended to allow the deportation […]

Category: Uncategorised

The Great Housing Swindle

Image: Homes for all demonstration

July 2, 2016

Years ago, Margaret Thatcher got elected. Her and her gang nicknamed ‘The Tories’ conned loads of us to buy our council houses. At the time people said, “Don’t do it, it’s a con”. Yet many fell for it. Some wanted to make a quick buck. Others saw it as “protecting” their housing security. Not trusting […]

Category: News

Abolish Universal Credit

Image: I work to live not live to work

July 2, 2016

The introduction of Universal Credit, which replaces many state benefits, will have a damaging effect on millions of working families, leaving the poorest running up the down escalator. Under Universal Credit low-paid workers will be required to work with DWP job coaches to seek more work hours, higher pay, or an extra job as a […]

Category: News

Death by a thousand Cuts

Image: Nye Bevan graffiti

July 2, 2016

We hear politicians claim “the NHS is safe in our hands” but do any of us believe these lies? Go into any A&E. Try and get a GP’s appointment. If you have drug or mental health problems try and get help. Ask anyone with care needs how they cope. We all know the results. Money […]

Category: News

Refugees: what crisis?

Image: refugees are human beings

July 2, 2016

For the last two years, politicians and the media have been telling us that we are in the throes of a refugee crisis. Whenever those with power use language like this, it is worth scratching the surface in order to see the bigger picture.

Category: News

North London Hospice pulls out of workfare

July 29, 2015

Following nine months of protest from Haringey Solidarity Group, North London Hospice (NLH) has agreed to stop taking part in workfare and exploiting people on benefits. This is a victory for the anti-workfare movement and a blow for workfare provision in Haringey. Until this month NLH was using Community Work Placements, a kind of workfare, […]

Category: Uncategorised

Demonstration against Workfare at Finsbury Park Wednesday 17th June

June 17, 2015

Activists from Haringey Solidarity Group and Boycott Workfare today held a demonstration against the use of workfare by the Finsbury Park Business Forum. Under the Tories workfare initiative recipients of benefits are being forced to work at least 30 hours a week of unpaid labour as community wardens or face harsh sanctions. Workfare placements last […]

Category: Uncategorised

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