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May 11, 2021

PART 1 — SOME ACTIVITIES: 1990-2005 [Written 2005] In an attempt to look forward at where HSG fits into any political strategy in Haringey, its useful to first look back. So, here is a look at the first 15 years (written in 2005). The information is huge, so this can be no more than a […]

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Spycops Inquiry report for 26 April 2021 (T1P2 Day 4)

April 27, 2021

Yesterday’s hearing in the Inquiry was the first round of evidence in this set of hearings, withDiane Langford and Norman Temple both talking about being in groups thatwere targeted by spycops in the early 1970s. Both were live streamed. As well as opening protest by campaigners outside the hotel where the Inquiry was taking place, […]

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December 24, 2020

Tottenham Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Enfield BLM are deeply saddened and angry at the unprovoked racist assault on 10th December 2020 by the police against a black schoolboy outside Parkview Academy in West Green Road near Park View School.  The police stopped a 16-year-old boy and some friends who were collecting their GCSE certificates. […]

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We need to fight to abolish capitalism and the state, and have a fundamental systematic change to be in collective control of our own lives

June 18, 2020

After many nights of demonstrations and revolts in the America due to the killing of George Floyd, president Trump, from a bunker in the White House, announced that he would designate “Antifa” as a terrorist organization. Trump seeks to frame a spontaneous and manifold movement as an organization, not only assigning it an ideology but […]

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Radical anti-authoritarian anti-capitalist community-based action

June 16, 2020

Wednesday June 24th: 7.30pm Online info-share and networking for anti-authoritarian / anti-capitalist activists involved in groups active in their local communities. REGISTER HERE TODAY!  We are calling a third meeting following a couple of successful and constructive online meetings on May 19th and June 2nd of anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, pro-working class and pro-community activists based […]

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May 11, 2020

    For years we had to accept “austerity” as Britain didn’t have any money. Ordinary people had to “tighten their belts” while the rich became super rich. But Britain was “skint”. We ‘couldn’t afford’ pay rises or increases in benefits. Hospital beds were lost, NHS staff were treated like scum. Jobs we knew were […]

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Why I am angry! NHS worker speaks out

May 1, 2020

The following is a heartfelt response from a frontline worker in the NHS. We would like to add that some of the comments in the article wouldn’t be shared by all of us in HSG. Nevertheless it is a compelling read which highlights the incompetence and pure disregard of those in power.  I am a […]

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Haringey Council: ensuring “business-led” development in Tottenham

August 21, 2013

Haringey Council has recently said that it will listen to the concerns of local traders over the ongoing ‘regeneration’ of Tottenham High Road, which many fear is little more gentrification. Many traders have been recently speaking out against proposed demolitions and the threat of higher rents which could close many local family businesses. But despite […]

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