Stand up together to defend our communities! Rally at full Council meeting – Monday 15 July, 18:30
Posted: July 11, 2013
At 18:30 on Monday 15 July there will be a rally at the Haringey Council meeting held at the Civic Centre, High Rd, N22. All are welcome to demand the resources our communities need – it’s OUR Haringey!
After the rally outside the Civic Centre the following residents’ deputations will make presentations to the meeting inside:
- Stop cuts to benefits [Haringey Alliance for Benefit Justice]
- Affordable and secure housing for all [Haringey Defend Council Housing]
- Community-led improvements not unwanted development for our neighbourhoods [Our Tottenham network]
Rally called by:
- Haringey Alliance for Benefit Justice
- Haringey Defend Council Housing
- And the Our Tottenham network
Supporters include: Haringey Housing Action Group, Haringey Alliance for Public Services, Haringey Federation of Residents Associations, Haringey Solidarity Group
Category: haringey council