Say No to St Ann’s Hospital Sell Off! (Mon 28 Jul)
Posted: July 27, 2014
Demonstrate on 28 July 2014 6.15 at a Pre Application Planning Meeting at the Civic Centre Wood Green N22
Instead of a Sell Off – let’s expand the provision on Haringey’s only hospital site. Residents are calling for a Walk In Urgent Care Centre, more GP Facilities, a Child Health Centre and expanded Mental Health provision
Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust are putting forward their plans to sell off 2/3rds of our NHS at what is called a Pre Application Meeting where Members (of the Council) NOT the public can raise concerns about this development.
This seems a sneaky way of smoothing things through before a planning decision is made by the Council in Mid September.
Come and raise your own concerns and anger about the way this plan is being pushed through without any Health Assessment or “Health Check” made of the health needs of the Borough.
No Sell off Without a Health Check !
Meet 6 15 at Civic Centre Wood Green High Road N22
Bring friends and colleagues! Bring placards.Show you want a Better St Ann’s
-Last Chance to Save this NHS land being lost forever ! If the Plan goes through in September 2014 it could be sold on to any developer!
On 20th June Barnet, Enfield and Haringey Mental Health Trust (BEHMHT) submitted the outline planning application for the St Ann’s Hospital site. This is our hospital, it is NHS land that belongs to us, they cannot be allowed to sell the site without demonstrating how our health will benefit.
At a recent so called “Consultation”Meeting on 16/7/14 despite anger and concern expressed by residents and hospital users there were more questions than answers from BEH and the planning bureaucrats!
No Sell Off Without a Health Check! Residents and HaNSAH have consistently called for a Walk In Urgent Care Centre, more GP Facilities, a Child Health Centre and expanded Mental Health provision.
See Our Ideas for St Anns and How you can Object to BEHS Plans for Your St Anns Hospital see the HaNSAH Leaflet at the bottom of this email .
Link to Pre Application Agenda …. …….St Anns at the end.
OBJECTION If you cannot get to the Demo then please make an an Objection.You can say that you object in principle to the change of use from a hospital and suggest the above health facilities be provided. And please do before 1 August 2014
Twitter@ @StAnnsHospital
Sign the petition against the Sell Off :
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