Radical anti-authoritarian anti-capitalist community-based action

Posted: May 31, 2020

Online info-share and networking for anti-authoritarian / anti-capitalist activists involved in groups active in their local communities

 We are calling a second meeting following a successful and constructive online meeting on May 19th of around 20 anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, pro-working class and pro-community activists based in groups active in their local communities around the UK. [See report when you register on the eventbrite link]. Any groups or individuals involved in an active non-hierarchical group who agree with the above politics is welcome to join in the planned discussion next Tuesday to share information, experiences and thoughts about what are we doing in our local communities during the covid-19 crisis, and what should we aim to be doing in our local communities after this crisis. See the proposed agenda below, based on the issues discussed at the first meeting and feedback from the circulation of that meeting’s notes. 


Exciting eh?!!


In solidarity


Haringey Solidarity Group, as delegated by the May 19th networking meeting


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1. Intros   2. Report of last meeting.   3. Review of agenda

4. Updates from new participants, or from people at the first meeting if they have some very recent extra news

5. Key themes for discussion coming out of the first meeting. (To do either as breakout groups or as general discussion theme by theme)

a. long term mutual aid as solidarity (rather than charity), and protecting the independence of community action from Council and other outside control

b. building long-term local groups [could be part of the above theme]

c. social control issues, and how to resist any future unwanted government-imposed social control

d. covid-related campaigns eg solidarity with school parents/teachers, workers, housing, benefits, and relevant days of action

e. resisting long term austerity / recession [could be part of the above theme]

6. Report backs (if there were simultaneous breakout groups) and discussion

7. Ongoing sharing of info, news and supporting each other

8. AOB (including any announcements)

9. Who to set up and coordinate any following meeting


Category: Uncategorised