OPEN THE GATES! Public meeting for FREE Public Transport in London


Posted: June 17, 2024

Thursday 18th July 7.00pm

Phoenix Millenium Centre, 386 West Green Road, N15 3QH

Free public transport opens the city to all. Provided as a public service, just like roads, public parks, education, or health.

It is socially just. It supports the lowest-income families that are least likely to have a car, or commute daily long distances towards central areas, where traffic is too busy anyway.

It means mobility for all, removing the automatic financial burden of transport fares whenever you step outside the house.

Join us to discuss:

– Why we want it? – How will it work?
– How could it be funded?

Speakers from:

– Fare Free London campaign
– RMT Haringey
– Haringey Migrants Support Centre
– Local Claimant group

We call on the Mayor and the Greater London Authority to provide free public transport.

We call on the national government to support free public transport in London and around the country.

Join us on 18th July to discuss about how to bring about this major turn towards a truly social environmental policy.

Venue is wheelchair accessible.

Refreshments provided at the start.

Meeting organised by: Haringey Solidarity Group.

For more information, contact us at:

It means better transport, maintained as a communal good, with all the care and funding that should go with it, including a secure and properly rewarded workforce.

Free public transport is one of the drastic actions we need to cut greenhouse gas emissions globally, and to tackle the air pollution that kills thousands of Londoners every year. Green measures can make life better! It’s not about shouldering new taxes that punish having older cars that pollute too much, but do not seriously support any greener alternative. It’s about building the basic rights that allow us to have a sustainable lifestyle.

Free public transport is one of them.

Public transport is already free in Luxemburg, in Malta, in Tallinn (the capital of Estonia), and in many small and middle-size cities across, among others, France, Spain, Poland, Brazil or the USA. London can be the first big global city to follow their example.

Funding free public transport is possible: public money management is not a pure accounting problem, it is a political choice. As citizens, we are legitimate to demand spending it on what matters the most to us. Many concrete sources of funding can be found and should be discussed by anyone that wants to get involved.

Category: events, Uncategorized