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August 8, 2021
The property developer, Grainger, has pulled out of the Wards Corner / Market site and the council are at last giving their full support to the Community Plan!! This is a huge victory against overwhelming odds, following 15 years of struggle – a victory not just for residents and traders but for anti-demolition and […]
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August 4, 2021
This Saturday is the 10th anniversary of the ‘Tottenham riots’ in 2011, which spread across the country. There will be some brief media attention, but little or none of it will acknowledge and support the vision and commitment of local people in fighting for their real needs since. So its worth noting some of the […]
Category: Uncategorized
July 11, 2021
Tottenham Kids’ NOISY walk against Racism is happening on Sunday 18th July from 10.30am. Meet at Lordship Hub in Lordship Park.
Category: Uncategorized
June 30, 2021
Last Thursday (24th June) the green bit of play space on Elizabeth Place, off Lawrence Rd, Tottenham, Haringey was boarded up without notice, without planning permission, without consultation, without any warning whatsoever – is planning a meaningless “tick box” process? ***NEW (29/06/21) Updated with Section 106 decision & council meeting minutes Planning Subcommittee Thursday 3rd […]
Category: Uncategorized
May 29, 2021
Cooperation Tottenham Food Co-op Our communities have been hit hard by years of austerity and most recently, Covid-19. This ongoing crisis has left many of us poorer, with no access to public services and isolated in our struggles. Decisions about our housing, education, jobs and health are made by strangers, who don’t know us, […]
Category: Uncategorized
May 12, 2021
Category: Uncategorized
May 11, 2021
Note: Based on the minutes of meetings (although there are gaps in the files). Apologies for any inaccuracies or omissions. Throughout the whole period We continued to: – write, produce and distribute tens of thousands of copies of our regular free Newpaper each year – hold regular open meetings at least monthly, with an open […]
Category: Uncategorized
May 11, 2021
PART 1 — SOME ACTIVITIES: 1990-2005 [Written 2005] In an attempt to look forward at where HSG fits into any political strategy in Haringey, its useful to first look back. So, here is a look at the first 15 years (written in 2005). The information is huge, so this can be no more than a […]
Category: Uncategorized
April 29, 2021
Since 3rd April had been started in London and in the UK a campaign called Kill the Bill against the Government’s “Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Bill”, which criminalises protests and thereby attempts to undermine people’s ability to fight for their rights and needs against those who control our lives and society. The Bill contains […]
Category: Features
April 27, 2021
Tuesday May 11th, 7.30-9.30pm – online Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 878 1372 1353 Introduction/review: Presentation looking at of some of the activities and struggles the group has been involved in over the 3 decades since the foundation of HSG on May 11th 1991. Memories/inspiration: Those attending are invited to contribute their memories and […]
Category: events