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May 15, 2009
A lot of us in HSG have been madly busy helping organise for Haringey Independence Day, which was on Saturday 30 May and was a day of “independence from party politics, religion and government agencies, where individuals and groups in Haringey can organise collectively, exchange ideas and make their own decisions that affect their lives”. […]
Category: Uncategorized
Tags: community
April 3, 2009
Workers at car parts manufacturer Visteon have occupied the Enfield plant. On Tuesday 31st March, the management of the Ford Visteon plant called a general assembly and told people that they would have to leave their workplace immediately. The workers were told to fetch their personal belongings the next day at 10am, but when they […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: workplace organising
April 3, 2009
In a huge departure from our usual activities, members of Haringey Solidarity Group travelled to central London twice in one week to make a point of some kind. On Saturday 28th March, members of the group marched with the HSG banner as part of the Direct Action – Militant Workers Block. The aim of the […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: misc reports
March 7, 2009
While the government has bailed out the banks with our money, they have been stealthily rushing through a bill that will virtually abolish welfare for single parents and disabled people. The Bill proposes a number of changes:• phasing out income support for single parents, and cutting incapacity benefit and carers’ allowance. • introducing a US-style […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: debt / welfare benefits
February 15, 2009
The recent wildcat strikes, which began at the Lindsey oil refinery, were based on legitimate demands. Just a small amount of research would reveal this. However, rather than addressing real issues, politicians and the media have chosen to systematically accuse the strikers of being racist. Deconstructing the myth and re-establishing a few truths This will […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: workplace organising
February 1, 2009
The Haringey Independent Cinema February films will be on Thursday 26th February 2009. Doors open7pm, films start 7.15pm. Cost £3 (waged) or £2 (low and unwaged): Private Lives Directed by Abbe Robinson Made in 2006 (16 minutes) Leaving behind the monotony of her textile mill job on a Friday afternoon in the early 50’s, Ruth […]
Category: future events
December 30, 2008
It’s Christmas time in Haringey, and that usually means you can’t move for UCKGers shaking a bucket at you. It’s not enough that they tap their own members for cash (10% tithes, before tax, and even if you’re claiming benefits), but in December they see fit to empty the pockets of cash-strapped passers by as […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: religion
December 8, 2008
At the Lordship Rec Festival in September was the recently formed Tottenham Food Co-op, which is organized and run by members of the Sustainable Haringey food group and the Back To Earth charity, with support from Broadwater Farm Community Centre. This not-for-profit food market aims not only to provide fresh locally grown organic produce, fair […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: environment
December 8, 2008
Everyone is entitled to comprehensive and decent public services of all kinds. But public services are in a constant financial crisis. Told to make ‘efficiency savings’, the result is cuts and closures, land sell offs, attacks on staffing levels, wages and conditions, and moves towards privatisation and ‘contracting out’. Private companies and property speculators circle […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: local services
December 8, 2008
In June and July this year over 700 cleaners on London Underground organised by the RMT union went on strike for a living wage and other demands, in one of the first actions by mainly illegal migrant workers that this country has ever seen. Previously kept in silence and poverty pay by brutal employers, ISS, […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: workplace organising