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Support the Sparks, Wed 19 Oct 7am, Blackfriars

October 17, 2011

Balfour Beatty are currently the lead company withdrawing from the electrical contracting Joint Industry Board (JIB) national agreement. They have issued 1,690 termination notices to their electricians and, from December 7th, intend to re-employ them on £10 an hour, rather than the current £16.25 (that’s a 35% pay cut). Anyone who refuses to accept the […]

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Andrew Lansley ambushed at North Mid

October 13, 2011

Andrew Lansley MP accused of being ‘a liar’ as demonstrators demand an end to hospital cuts and a halt to the controversial Lansley ‘NHS privatisation’ Bill currently going through ParliamentOn Monday 11th October a dozen members of the Save Chase Farm Hospital campaign and the Defend Haringey’s Health Services coalition ambushed Government Minister for the […]

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Launch of Tottenham Defence Campaign

September 30, 2011

The Tottenham-based families of Mark Duggan, Roger Sylvester, Cynthia Jarrett and Joy Gardner – whose loved ones all died following detention by police officers – will speak at a press conference for the launch of the Tottenham Defence Campaign on Wednesday 5th October. This is two months since the shooting of Mark Duggan and the […]

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Haringey Anti-Cuts Protest case – ruling

September 10, 2011

Full transcript of Judge Tempia’s ruling on No Case to Answer Ms Laporte and Mr Christian are both charged with assaulting a constable in the execution of his/her duty on 24 February 2011 at Haringey Civic Centre. Ms Laporte is accused of assaulting PC Ball and Mr Christian is accused of assaulting PC Downing, both […]

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Victory for Haringey Anti-Cuts Defendants

September 8, 2011

Two anti-cuts protestors, Nicolas Christian and Jane Laporte, are celebrating as the case against them was dismissed. They had been accused of assaulting a police officer at a Haringey Civic Centre protest in February.   The protest had been called by Haringey Alliance for Public Services in opposition to the council’s proposed £41m cuts to […]

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London riots: no to tenant evictions!

August 18, 2011

No Evictions of Tenants – We all have a Right to a Home! Statement from Hackney Housing Group and Haringey Housing Action Group  We condemn the use of evictions by Wandsworth Council as a punishment measure for families who have criminal charges against them after the riots. In the first place, Wandsworth Council has issued […]

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3000 attend North London Unity Assembly demo

Unity March

August 14, 2011

3,000 march through Hackney & Haringey on Saturday 13th August to demand: Give Our Kids A Future! On Saturday 13th August, 3,000 people of all ages and backgrounds, mainly from Hackney and Haringey, but with additional support from all around London, marched from Gillet Square, Dalston in Hackney, to Tottenham Green in Haringey.

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Some Thoughts about the Tottenham Riots

August 12, 2011

A few of us in HSG met up this week to discuss the events in Haringey on the night of 6th August and those that followed. It’s been impossible to come up with something that we all agree on, but we have put some thoughts down about the things we talked about. We feel that, […]

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North London Unity Assembly demo, Sat 13 Aug

August 12, 2011

Give Our Kids A Future! Saturday 13th August, 1pmAssemble Gillett Square, Dalston, N16. March to Tottenham Green, N15 Our communities need a united response to both the riots and the causes of despair and frustration that can result in riots. We call for: – A culture of valuing, not demonising, youth and unemployed people– Support […]

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Tottenham riots – Stafford Scott interview

August 8, 2011

A fair few of us from Haringey Solidarity Group saw, at first hand, events in Tottenham on Saturday night, sending live updates via our Twitter account (_HSG_), and once we’ve caught up on our sleep we’ll probably post something here. In the meantime, here is a link to an interview with Stafford Scott, self-described “active […]

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