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June 16, 2013
Despite a police ban, more than 2000 protestors marched to Wood Green in north London on Saturday night as news was coming in of massive repression in Istanbul.
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Tags: state control
June 6, 2013
Homes for Haringey new target in campaign against compulsory unpaid work DIY chain Homebase has withdrawn from a controversial government scheme for jobseekers after a series of protests outside their store in Harringay Green Lanes. The protests by Haringey Solidarity Group and others (1) targeted the ‘workfare’ scheme, under which some people claiming Jobseekers? Allowance […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: debt / welfare benefits
June 4, 2013
Homes for Haringey is the borough’s arms-length management organisation, set up to manage council housing. Tenants on their estates have found out that local unemployed people are being forced to work on their estates for no pay and with no workplace rights. Come along for a protest Tues 4 June, 6pm at the Homes […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: debt / welfare benefits
May 28, 2013
by Dee I arrived at Homebase, Harringay, several minutes late for a noon picket against workfare, and was just about to start leafletting when a couple of managers came out to talk to us. One of them was the store manager, and the other was from head office. The woman from head office said that […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: workplace organising
May 10, 2013
On Thursday 10 May, over 15 people from Haringey and Brent travelled to Edgware Road to hold a protest outside the main offices of Genesis Housing Association – a major social landlord in the borough. In April, the Conservative-Liberal coalition trialed a benefit cap on 4 London boroughs, one of which is Haringey. This has […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: debt / welfare benefits
May 9, 2013
When the government launched its benefit cap trial in four London boroughs last month, Haringey Housing Action Group, Haringey Solidarity Group and others were at the DWP office in Stratford on 15th April to protest against the cap and to call for it to be scrapped. 28 days later, with the effects of the cap […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: debt / welfare benefits
May 7, 2013
No Evictions! Cut Rents Not BenefitsProtest : Thursday 9th May, 8am, at Genesis Housing Association Head OfficeCapital House, 25 Chapel Street, London, NW1 5DT (next to Edgware Rd tube, circle Line exit) With the pilot of the Government’s benefit cap starting in four London boroughs on April 15, Genesis Housing Association wasted no time in […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: housing
May 2, 2013
A major provider of temporary accommodation in Haringey is initiating eviction proceedings against households affected by the benefit cap. In the last couple of weeks, some tenants of properties leased by Genesis Housing Association have received letters telling them that they would be seeking a Possession Order to evict the tenant.
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: housing
April 30, 2013
This is a statement from Paul Nicholson from Taxpayers Against Poverty: I am refusing to pay my council tax in support of the many people in the uk suffering under the catastrophic and very unfair benefit cuts and caps, who are also charged a council tax they cannot pay. This is a personal decision for […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: debt / welfare benefits
April 29, 2013
On Saturday 27th April 2013,as part of a London-wide day of action against Letting Agents, 20 Haringey Community Housing Inspectors went out to investigate the practices of local Letting Agents in Green Lanes, Haringey. Other actions took place in other parts of London including in Islington/Hackney, Brixton and Herne Hill, see the Let Down campaign […]
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: housing