Haringey March for Public Services (Sat 25 June)

Posted: June 17, 2011


Join the Haringey residents and workers march to defend our vital local public services

Saturday June 25th, assemble 12 noon at Haringey Civic Centre, High Road, N22. March to Tottenham Town Hall, via Turnpike Lane and Seven Sisters.

Bring your own placards and banners, and things to make a BIG noise as we pass places under threat!

Unfair, unacceptable, unnecessary cuts

The people of Haringey are suffering major cuts to all our public services. The NHS is being privatised. Tottenham has the highest unemployment in London but further education jobs and courses are being slashed. Welfare and housing benefits face massive cuts. There have been £41m cuts this year alone from Haringey’s libraries, schools, youth centres, public service jobs, elderly facilities, parks & voluntary projects.

This will hit the most vulnerable the hardest – those on low incomes, single parents, migrant communities, women, elderly & disabled people. And all workers face attacks on pay and conditions because of rising inflation and a wage freeze.

This is a wealthy country, but the Government has chosen to take away ££billions of public funds from our vital public services whilst propping up greedy and irresponsible banks with public money. It also sanctions massive corporate tax evasion and obscene bonuses. We don’t have to accept this!

Opposition is growing everywhere

In Haringey, thousands have joined in a wide range of local protests, rallies, public meetings and petitioning over the last year, and on March 26th over half a million people took part in the national anti-cuts demonstration. Now many public sector Unions are planning coordinated strike action on June 30th. The Government has been shaken on a number of fronts – together we can force them to reverse their cuts programme. Show solidarity with workers prepared to take strike action. Show support for local residents facing a pared down public service. Join in with us!

Haringey united against the cuts – join the march!

The Haringey Alliance for Public Services is a local network for those living or working in Haringey. Why not sign up for updates?

Organised by the Haringey Alliance for Public Services. Supporters include: Haringey UNISON, Haringey Federation of Residents Associations, Haringey Trades Union Council, Haringey Friends of Parks Forum, Better Local Healthcare Campaign, Haringey Forum for Older People, CONEL University and College Union, Haringey Solidarity Group


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