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September 30, 2011
The Tottenham-based families of Mark Duggan, Roger Sylvester, Cynthia Jarrett and Joy Gardner – whose loved ones all died following detention by police officers – will speak at a press conference for the launch of the Tottenham Defence Campaign on Wednesday 5th October. This is two months since the shooting of Mark Duggan and the […]
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Tags: community
May 15, 2009
A lot of us in HSG have been madly busy helping organise for Haringey Independence Day, which was on Saturday 30 May and was a day of “independence from party politics, religion and government agencies, where individuals and groups in Haringey can organise collectively, exchange ideas and make their own decisions that affect their lives”. […]
Category: Uncategorized
Tags: community
July 30, 2008
CONSUME CONSUME CONSUME Advertisers try to persuade us that our lives will benefit from buying their products. However, if we spend more money, we are likely to need more money. Unless we’re very lucky, that means we have to work longer and harder to get it or to pay off debts. This doesn’t sound like […]
Category: Uncategorized
Tags: consumer society
July 29, 2008
On Saturday 19th July, 500 residents, market traders, local shopkeepers, campaigners and passers-by formed a human chain around the whole Wards Corner block by Seven Sisters tube in order to say No to evictions, No to demolition, and YES to restoration as set out in the Community Plan created by local people. Following the […]
Category: Uncategorized
Tags: planning & development