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Open Discussion — Social Media — what are the pros and cons for local radical campaigning?

February 3, 2023

Tuesday February 7th, 7.30pm @ All Good Bookshop, 35 Turnpike Lane, N8 0EP Many have noted the downsides of social media, including the negative impact on people’s mental health, its contribution to the breakdown of social ties, and its tendency to promote controversy and outrage. However, social media also represents an opportunity for progressive groups […]

Category: events

Down Lane Park community hub

LUOS logo

January 11, 2023

Your community needs you! Join us at Living Under One Sun on Saturday 21st at 1:00pm – 3:00pm. As part of the redevelopment of Down Lane park Haringey council has committed to building a new permanent community hub. The hub will have an enclosed community garden & cafe. There has been several proposals for its […]

Category: Benefits, events

Antiuniversity X Anarchist Bookfair in London 2022

Bookfair flyer

September 15, 2022

Friends, comrades and co-conspirators, welcome to the 2022 Anarchist Bookfair in London. Once again, as part of Antiuniversity. Anti University are running a series of awesome workshops until Friday the 16th of September. Check them up if you haven’t already: The Bookfair is happening on Saturday, 17th of September. It will be a day […]

Category: events

How can local people fight back together against bills, hardship, debt and evictions? Come and share your thoughts. Tuesday 7th June, 7.30pm

May 17, 2022

Tuesday 7th June, 7.30pm — at the All Good Bookshop, 35 Turnpike Lane, N8 0EP. The majority of people who live or work locally, already struggling to pay their bills and feed their families, are currently facing even more massive increases in the costs of all the necessities of life. This is outrageous and totally […]

Category: events

Haringey Solidarity Group 30th Anniversary Celebration / Social Sunday October 24th, 4-7pm

October 10, 2021

Buffet * Films of Haringey Campaigns 1990-2020 * Info / display Lordship Hub, N17 6NU. In the middle of Lordship Rec, by the lake. Films: Some informative, inspiring and historic brief snapshots of local struggles/protests HSG has been heavily involved with or actively supported eg Poll Tax, anti-cuts occupation of Civic Centre, Housing/estate agents protests, […]

Category: events

Tuesday May 11th, 7.30-9.30pm – online – A review and celebration of 30 years of radical ideas and campaigning in Haringey and beyond

April 27, 2021

Tuesday May 11th, 7.30-9.30pm – online Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 878 1372 1353 Introduction/review:  Presentation looking at of some of the activities and struggles the group has been involved in over the 3 decades since the foundation of HSG on May 11th 1991. Memories/inspiration: Those attending are invited to contribute their memories and […]

Category: events

HIC February Film

February 1, 2009

The Haringey Independent Cinema February films will be on Thursday 26th February 2009. Doors open7pm, films start 7.15pm. Cost £3 (waged) or £2 (low and unwaged): Private Lives Directed by Abbe Robinson Made in 2006 (16 minutes) Leaving behind the monotony of her textile mill job on a Friday afternoon in the early 50’s, Ruth […]

Category: future events

HSG monthly meeting (Tues 2 Dec, 7.30pm)

July 30, 2008

Haringey Solidarity Group meets regularly on the first Tuesday of the month. If you would like to find out more about the group and to get involved, our next meeting is on Tuesday 2nd December, 7.30pm upstairs at the Phoenix Millennium Centre, West Green Road, N15. Entrance on Vincent Road. All Welcome.

Category: future events

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