Benefit Cap: Resource downloads for the fight to stop this social cleansing

Posted: August 15, 2013
On 12 August 2013 the final stage of the rollout of the government’s benefit cap started. The cap has been ‘trialled’ in Haringey and three other London boroughs, since April. In July, it then spread to areas which had low numbers of households affected. Now local authority areas with over 276 affected households will have the cap imposed: Chiefly the remaining London boroughs, along with high-rent areas in other cities around the country.
We have been fighting the cap, download our resources to use in your own local actions, read news about our local fight.
In the last few months, Haringey Solidarity Group and Haringey Housing Action Group have been getting information out to people who are likely to be affected. We’ve distributed over 5,000 leaflets at schools, job centres and the council’s customer service centres. Now that this has gone national, we would like to encourage others, from around the country, to turn this into a national struggle.
Below are links to a leaflet template with basic information and arguments that groups or individuals can use or amend to let people know about the cap, some posters, a fact sheet & videos. We’ll be adding links to useful sites and documents. Please feel free to use them, but we would really like feedback about ideas and improvements to take the campaign forward, as well as any responses you have from people affected or about what’s happening in relation to the cap in your area.
You can find other articles about the cap by searching for them under the ‘benefit cap’ tag.
Download Resources:
Leaflets: A5 benefit cap leaflet (word document) A5 benefit cap leaflet (pdf format) | A4 benefit cap fact sheet (pdf)
The benefit cap leaflet is in two formats: microsoft word (.doc) so that you can modify it for your local circumstances and PDF so you can see how it should look.
Posters: A3 poster1 (pdf) ¦ A3 poster2 (pdf) ¦ A3 poster3 (pdf) ¦ A3 poster4 (pdf) ¦ A4 poster5 (pdf) ¦ A4 poster6 (pdf) ¦ A4 poster7 (pdf) ¦
Videos: Class-cleansing agent pt 3 (video)
Useful Links
Category: Uncategorised
Tags: debt / welfare benefits