7 Million living in poverty
Posted: July 29, 2019
According to a new study millions of people including 4 Million of children in deep poverty.
The main points in this studding are:
- More than 4 million people in the UK are trapped in deep poverty, meaning their income is at least 50% below the official breadline.
- The Social Metrics Commission also said 7 million people, including 2.3 million children, were affected by what it termed persistent poverty.
- “By cutting £40bn a year from our work and pensions budget through cuts and freezes to tax credits and benefits, the government has put progress into reverse,” said Alison Garnham, the chief executive of Child Poverty Action Group.
- It found that of 14.3 million in the UK in poverty, 4.5 million were in deep poverty – a third of all those on the breadline, and 7% of the population.
- A single parent with one child would be on less than £101.50 a week.
- There has been a dramatic rise in child poverty in families with three or more children, up 9% points since 2013-14.
- It also confirms that work is no longer a guarantee of protection against poverty. At the millennium 54% of children in poverty lived in a family where an adult worked. That rose to 73% in 2o17-18. Even in families where all adults work full time, one in six children are in poverty.
- Children of lone parents, and pensioners – have had hardship levels rise since 2013 as a result of austerity measures such as the benefit freeze, reversing earlier downward trends, the commission said.
Category: Newsflash